Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stress Is The Enemy

Stress - everyone has it but no body wants it.   Stress can spur one to achieve events and rewards one has never accomplished before.  It can also cause poor health, it is detrimental to relationships, and can cause a complete mental break down.  Since I don't know what stressors you have, I will use my stressors to illustrate what I mean:
  • Being mistreated or abused as a child - major stress
  •   Leaving home,
  • Getting a bachelor and a masters degree - major stress,
  • A bad marriage,
  • A divorce,
  • A move to another state,
  • A new boyfriend and long-term relationship,
  • A major health problem.
Those are just some of the difficulties I've had through my lifetime.  Of course the most traumatic event was 9 years of sexual, emotional, mental and spiritual abuse I have had as a child which I tell the complete story of in my book, Deliver Us From Evil.

In a book called The Body Keeps The Score, it's talks about trauma and stress and the effects these have over the body many years after they have happened.  It is meant to be a textbook but I was able to glean from it the resiliency we have as human beings to go on to recover in many ways from the traumas in our lives.  I would highly recommend this book if you are willing to read a heavier subject manner book than usual.   Here is information from the jacket cover:

    "From this profoundly humane book offers a sweeping understanding of the causes and consequences of trauma, offering hope and clarity to everyone touched by the devastation.  Trauma has emerged as one of the great public health challenges of our time not only because of the well-documented effects on combat veterans and on victims of accidents and crimes but because of the hidden toll of sexual and family violence and schools devastated by abuse, neglect and addiction."
                                          Bessell van der Kolk, M.D.
 Amazon link -

I challenge each of you to read this book and comment on it on my website comments page or on comments here on my blog.  Here are the links to both website and blog - blog - website home page

I hope you are able to start saying no when someone asks you to take on more than you can handle without stressing and handle only what causes you less stress.

by Deborah Hunter-Marsh

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