Tuesday, April 21, 2015

You Mean I Have to Rescue MYSELF?  Eeeek!

Realizing how damaged you are after child sexual abuse can be overwhelming.  Sometimes the toxic effect of this kind of abuse is so massive even the thought of change seems impossible.  That’s when your “rescue” response kicks in.  It would be so much easier if someone could just come along and rescue you, wouldn’t it?

Hey, where is that White Knight when you need him? 

Well, he didn’t ride in on his white horse when you were sexually abused, did he?  No.  But I have good news.  There is someone who can rescue you now.


All victims of child sexual abuse are broken in one way or another.  Some are better at hiding the damage than others.  They just work twice as hard at numbing or repressing the hurt, which only makes the situation worse.  Why?  Because you can’t tackle a problem until you’ve identified it.

You’ll heal much faster if you’re committed to learning everything you can about yourself and your situation.  The process is a little like peeling an onion.  Every time you heal one area of your life another dysfunctional issue comes to light.  And that’s okay.  It’s supposed to be that way.  Healing isn’t one large victory.  It’s a chain of small ones. 

The daily practice of rescuing yourself begins with an action plan.  List not only your destination but also the steps you plan to take to get there.  Make sure this plan includes professional support.  You can’t do this on your own.  It’s just not possible.  The damage from child sexual abuse is too extensive.

Also, develop the habit of paying attention to your intuition (that still, small voice inside you).  As long as you remain true to this inner voice, you’re on the right track. 

 How about that?  After all these years you’ve finally been rescued.  And by someone you trust more than anyone.  Someone who has always had your best interest at heart.  YOU!

That’s a wonderful feeling, isn’t it?  Now there’s no limit to what you can achieve.  You’ve become your own White Knight.  Time to turn that horse around and gallop toward the biggest rainbow you can find.  It’s yours!  

With Love,Deborah

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