Monday, September 14, 2015

40 Things Your Soul Wants You To Know

This morning I was picking up a few grocery items at a local convenience store when an elderly man with a guide dog came in, went to the aisle with the greetings cards, picked up a card, held it up extremely close to his face, and struggled to read it.  Just as I was about to walk over to help him, a big, burly truck driver asked him if he needed assistance reading, and then proceeded to read him almost every single greeting card out loud until the elderly man smiled and said, “That’s perfect!  My wife will love that one!”

As the elderly man checked out at the register, I walked up to the truck driver and said, “I admire your kindness.”

“Thank you, sir,” he replied with a smile.  “Lately, I’ve just been letting my soul guide me.  It would have been much easier to let that man struggle, or let someone else help him, but my soul knows the easy things in life aren’t always the right things.”

“That’s honestly beautiful,” I said.

“Well, all of our souls are equally beautiful,” he quickly added.  “We just need to listen to what our souls want us to know more often.”

Don’t you just love that sentiment?

I’m sharing this story with you today because I think this man’s message is one we all need to be reminded of.

When it comes to living our lives, we spend too much of our time living as an egocentric avatar – overly attached to our perceived identity and societal opinions.  We have an ego, a personality, a history, cultural viewpoints and experiences that overpower the intuitive messages our soul is telling us.

But our soul is timeless, eternal and infinitely wise, and it needs to be listened to.  Our “intuition” is really just our soul whispering prudent insight into our ears, especially in busy, stressful or confusing times.

Here are 40 encouraging things your soul wants you to know:
  1. Some people talk with you in their free time, and some free their time to talk with you.  Today, and every day, you can be the latter to the people you love.
  2. The smallest act of kindness is always worth more than the grandest intention.
  3. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

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